Urostyla grandis: swimming specimen from (3); focus plane on the center of the cell. |
Urostyla grandis: same specimen, focus plane on the ventral side. The arrows mark one of the several lines of the cortical granules. AZM: adoral zone of membranelles; TC: transversall cirri. (3) |
Urostyla grandis: anterior part of the ciliate; focus plane on the oral apparatus. AZM: adoral zone of membranelles ; eM: endoral membrane; uM: undulating membrane; MVC: midventral cirri. (3). |
Urostyla grandis: two aspects of the oral apparatus; different focus planes. (3) AZM: adoral zone of membranelles; eM: endoral membrane; uM: undulating membrane. |
Urostyla grandis: two aspects of the ventral cirri, different focus planes. Some yellowish elliptic-shaped cortical pigment granules are visible. (3) |
Urostyla grandis: base of the ventral cirri showing the polykinetids (the arrowheads point to some of them).(3) |
Urostyla grandis: posterior part of the ciliate; focus plane on the transversal cirri. (3). Also visible are many yellowish elliptic-shaped cortical pigment granules. |
Urostyla grandis: while the first image of this page gives the impression that this ciliate has one macronucleus, a closer view shows that this is wrong: the arrowheads point to some of the small macronuclei (a nucleolus is visible in some of them). The large circle in the right corner which might be misinterpreted as macronucleus turns out to be an ectoparasitic protist: the suctorian Podophrya urostylae. |
Urostyla grandis: Fokus auf die Mundregion mit der adoralen Membranellenzone |
Großes Vielfußtierchen (Urostyla grandis): Fokus auf die Bewimperung. Ebenfalls sichtbar sind die grünlichen subpelliculären Granula, die in Linien angeordnet sind |
Großes Vielfußtierchen (Urostyla grandis): lebt räuberisch: hier ist es ein Rädertierchen (Colurella) sowie der Ciliat Coleps nebst Phacus. |
Großes Vielfußtierchen (Urostyla grandis): Detail der Mundregion mit Adoraler Membranellenzone, undulierender Membran sowie subpelliculären Granula |
Großes Vielfußtierchen (Urostyla grandis): subpelliculäre Granula |
Location: Hattingen, alte Schleuse(1) ; Bourtange venn, sphagnum pond (2); Mariaveen near Griendtsveen/ NL, pond |
Habitat: between plants (1); between sphagnum moss (2); detritus (3) |
Date: 13.10.2008 (1) ; 3.5.2009(2); 18.11.2018 (3) |